When the farm comes to you, we set up a corral for the goose, duck, rabbit, baby pig, turkey, hen, rooster, goat and sheep and any babies that are available. We also bring eggs upon your request for hatching. This variety of animals allows us to introduce your students to the many ways that agriculture impacts their daily lives. After a brief educational lecture is given, the students may come in the corral to pet and observe the animals. Encounters at your location are approximately 25 minutes minutes per group.
Encounters at your location:
- South Dade: $8.00/student – $240 minimum
- North Dade: $9.00/student – $270 minimum
- Broward $10.00/student – $300 minimum
- North Monroe $10.00/student – $300 minimum
When you come to the farm, we will take you on a tour of the Farm, which includes, introducing your students to the many ways that agriculture is part of their lives, activities include milking a goat and hand feeding animals. Your students will be given information about, see and touch goats, sheep, geese, ducks, pigs, rabbits, chickens, turkeys, horses, donkeys and cows.
When students tour the butterfly garden, your students will see eggs, larva, pupa and adults in their natural habitat. We will discuss the butterfly life cycle as well as their role in the environment. Your visit may take up to three hours depending on which activities you choose for your students. Have a picnic on our grounds , we will provide the blankets or you can use the tables in the pavilion. Be sure to bring your camera and a bag lunch.
Encounters at our location:
- A Complete tour of the farm $12/ person with a $300 minimum per visit.
- Add the sheep shearing experience $1/student
- Add a tour of the butterfly garden- $1/student
- Add a pony ride- $2/student
Please note that adding the additional presentation will increase the minimum fee.

We offer additional experiences tailored to your curriculum – please email us for inquiries.